Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So I don't forget:)

This post is for me. Its huge and if you don't read it, you'll have 15 minutes of extra time today. I write it because every time I tell my mother a story of one of my kids, she will undoubtedly ask me if I've written it down. And I never do. So here I sit, only 31 with a 7 yr old as my oldest and I'm having trouble remembering which stories go with which kids already. Clearly from the below list, you can tell my memory is shot and since Cordell is the one who's being extra "funny" right now, he's got the longest list.
So here it goes:

He was 4, hated washing his hands after he went to the bathroom (took too much time) and hated even more having to go back in the bathroom once I figured out he hadn't. This time, he thought himself to be a genius so when I asked directly after he came out one time, "Preston, did you wash your hands?" he lied and said he did. I calmly told him to let me feel his hands since I knew they'd still be wet if he had. Apparently so did he. Cause turned his head from me licked his hands and held them out to me...

From the age of 9 months to 3 yrs, glared at anyone he didn't know. And if he really liked you then you got a head butt:)

I had a zit on my chin and Preston asked what it was. I, being in a foul mood already, replied in my meanest "end of conversation voice" .."its a zit." He not picking up on my unmotherly tone asked "what's a zit?" I, trying to calm down from my bad mood, replied that it was ouch that you sometimes got on your face. He wouldn't drop it and kept asking "why is it so big? what makes it red? you should put a bandaid on it!" At this point Noah became curious and started staring at me as well. He chimed in with "it looks like a mosquito bite" at which Preston under his breath said "That must have been one big mosquito!" (I laugh now, in fact I'm laughing as I write this but at the time I said something like "That was so rude Preston, you don't talk to your mother that way, blah blah blah...." Then Noah, my little brown noser, said "Mom I think it was a little mosquito!" I told them both to drop it.

Likes to wear all orange. I told him he looks like a giant pumpkin in orange sweats and an orange shirt. He tells me he doesn't care and walks out the door. He's not my most fashion conscious kid.

Just cut his own bangs and asked if they looked cool. They did in fact NOT look cool.

He is extremely smart. The kind of smart where Jared and I will look at each other and mouth "how did he know that?" He is a mom pleaser. None of the other kids are sadly. And we love him so much.

Once asked a man why he was fat...awkward

Told everyone I was pregnant with twins...again awkward

I asked him once if he'd ever kissed a girl. His face got all demure and shy-like while he nodded yes. I got my big surprised-eyes on and asked him who and he said in the cutest little voice "I kissed Maddi....(long pause while looking mischievous).....on da wips (he can't say his "TH's" or his "L's"). Maddi is his 15 yr old cousin. We are in so much trouble when he's a teenager.

I like to sing, I've been told I have an adequate singing voice. In fact if I had to pick my favorite talent it would be singing!! But EVERY TIME and I kid you not, that I sang to Noah when he was little, about age 1 to 2, if I started singing he'd look at me, get this annoyed little face and then stick his fingers in his ears. By the way, he never once did it when Jared put him to sleep and sang to him. Again now laughing after the fact.

He's our sensitive one, who picks up on mood shifts and gives luvs easily and readily. And before I forget, our only child who spends inordinate amounts of time to make his hair into a faux hawk and look cool.

Cordell: Where to start and remember he's not even two yet. :):)
He's put a cube of softened butter 3 separate times into the toaster.

Took a Costco sized Garlic powder container and dumped it...where?...into the toaster

He's eaten poo 5 different times

He loves to be naked, I'll leave it at that, oh and that he's not potty trained.

He climbed our shelving unit in our garage that has 3 shelves each spaced 2 feet high (not even sure how he could manage that height with his 8 inch legs but clearly its possible) to get to the top where Jared keeps all his fishing gear (that he never uses) and got a fish hook stuck in him.

If you leave any door unlocked he's GONE. And for the majority of his life its been winter here, so that makes me look really bad.....naked, 1 yr old running down the snow covered street.

We keep all three bathroom doors, the office door, all 3 house exit doors, and the pantry door locked at all times. Reasons why we lock them....1: so I don't look bad 2: he really likes the toilet, hand soap, my makeup, eating deodorant, putting whole rolls of toilet paper in the toilet, turning on the tub and playing in it (which looked very dangerous but he seemed to be having a blast),and did I mention he likes the toilet and reason # 3: whole bags of flour and oddly cornstarch (which clings if you didn't know) are really difficult to clean up, like twice in one day)

He's poured both the caramel and chocolate topping bottles all over himself and the floor.

We find frozen hamburger pkgs on the garage floor all the time and some thawed, since I can't monitor the outdoor freezer at all times.

He's carried dead mice and live ones into the laundry room from the garage. Yes, he's that fast, to catch a live mouse. (By the way, the lock on the garage door no longer stops him if you didn't guess)

He escapes from any crib and has to have a tent over his to keep him well, "caged." Prior to the tent and when trying to teach him to stay in his crib at 13 months old, I once put him back in it for an hour and a half over 80 times, I lost count after that, called Jared and told him to order the tent cover.

He must have a "baba" with him at all times. Its his bottle and my one source of bribery.

Cannot seem to grasp the concept of a cup. And he's somewhat of a scavenger, so if you leave a cup out, it will inevitably be taken by him, drunk a little, and most poured down his shirt and on the floor. Moral of story, we don't leave our cups out.

I'll stop here, although each day I have at least 3 stories. But in spite of all that, we are suckered into loving him... he's very cute, like adorable, he has a huge smile, loves his daddy more than any toy or toaster, and loves when I sing to him.

By the way, did I mention I'm pregnant:):) We're insane.
These are the moments that make up our life right now and oddly, when I write them they seem much funnier and wow, I love my kids!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To the stalwart people that keep checking this blog

You can clearly tell when I'm backed up on laundry, house cleaning, and paying office bills...cause thats when I blog:)

This is a little over due BUT Jared and I are expecting our 4th little bundle of craziness!!! Everything is going great! So great that I started feeling like this was totally different pregnancy than any of the others (hint, hint). Thats right people...we're having a girl!!:):) I can't believe it, in fact I'm so amazed I haven't even bought any girl clothes yet. But we made the technician look an additional 10 times just to be sure and she's a keeper. Right now, I'm sitting at 24 weeks and due on May 11. We are thrilled, excited, and praying she's a sedate child (yeah, I'm not holding my breath on that one)