Monday, April 27, 2009

3 Days and Counting

Noah, when he was a wee little babe and we crazily took him with us when we went to Italy at 10 weeks of age.  The other little baby Jared is looking at, is the Anderson's, they were just as delusional as we were and took their baby too!  :)

And this is Preston when he was about 4-5 months old with his Idaho Grammy.  Those cheeks just kept getting bigger and bigger until WE thought about hiding storage in them. 

No, I will not be posting my hugeness on the world wide web but I did want everyone to know how excited we are to be having our 3rd little terror/boy in 3 days.  Life has stopped/been put on hold and we only do things that prepare us, the boys or the baby for what is to come.  Like tell Noah 377 times not to get in the bouncy chair.  And thanks to my efficient mother and my time giving mother-in-law, my house is now clean (weird) and organized (even weirder), food is in the freezer (I am in love with my upright freezer even if the only thing in it are the freezer meals),  the baby will have clothes to wear, well, at least for the first week until I have to do laundry and when I forget to do laundry, he will have 100 blankets to cover his naked body.  I just put together the bouncy chair, successfully only breaking one piece of it and that little adventure has made me decide to wait until Jared gets home to put together the final item...the swing.  

I can't believe it is all happening so fast.  April was SO far away and now its almost over.  I'm not completely delusional to the fact that I'll be tired, tired, tired BUT we're excited.