Monday, January 28, 2008

We just want to be HEALTHY!!

Wow, this one will have to go on record without pictures as I was trying to save Jared's life while it was going on. I'll explain.
Friday started like normal, Jared went to work but some patients canceled and he decided to come home and help me pack to go to Boise for the weekend. I love my husband. He came, he helped, he grabbed a couple chocolates,and he left to work on the rest of his patients. About 5 minutes after he left, I heard a noise that I quickly assumed was a thief coming to rob us of our hand-me-down possessions. I ran into the kitchen only to find that Jared had returned and was looking a little odd. If you've seen Hitch or Pure Luck you'll have a good idea of what I was seeing. I probably would've laughed if it hadn't been so serious. (I laughed later..with Jared I might add!) Jared had realized about half way to work that he'd eaten chocolate with a walnut in it and he is very allergic to them. In fact he'd eaten 2 chocolates. So while Jared began to swell and whistling noises were coming out of his throat (because it was getting so small), we jumped into the car and hauled booty to the ER which has never seemed so far away in my life...30 minutes. We ran out, well Jared hobbled out, only to find the ER completely empty, no receptionist, no patients, nothing. When the recep. did finally come out, she looked terrified and 12 I might add, looking like she'd never seen an emergency in her short life.
Long story short, he was finally seen,they medicated him till he didn't know his name and we left 3 1/2 hours later, looking considerably better. And we now own 2 Epi pens.
To top everything off, on the way home my eye started feeling funny and 2 hours later I had full blown pink eye, Preston's doctor said he has pneumonia, and Noah who has no weight to lose, has diarrhea yet again. Last night, we began cloroxing everything in our house.


Marisa said...

Dear pinky, stinky, hacky, and puffy...

Yikes Jared, we're so glad you have a wife who drives fast. How scary! Have fun with those epi-pens!

Maren, I'm so sorry you have a house full of sick people! That stinks.

Marisa said...

Uh, Cuda, have you ever heard of a chocolate Turtle?!? Sheez, I expected more from a doctor! At least you can write your own prescritptions...

And you can employ my fool-proof method for constant and perfect health-Mountain Dew for breakfast and chips all day long. You won't be sorry!

Captain Awesome

Russell said...

If I hadn't heard the story of how Maren crushed up almonds and fed them to you in an earlier bid to get at your life insurance, I might have thought this one was a tragic accident. Unfortunately, I know better. You might want to think about designating me as the beneficiary on your policy. I'll give Maren a monthly allowance that she and the boys can live on but not enough to make her think it's worth poisoning you again.

The Dille Family said...

What craziness at your house! Did you make it to Boise for the weekend? Glad to hear all is well with Jared! Yikes! Did you find anything at Real Deals? I meant to ask you about that last time I talked to you. Let me know if you want any help. What weekend do you want to get together?

Jeb and Becca said...

Yikes! I thought we were bad. It is never just one thing at a time is it? Wow, I hope all is well now. Jared was trying to be so sweet by coming home and helping you...and then wam! I hope the pneumonia isn't too serious. That stuff does not feel good!
Take care of yourselves.
P.S. I love Preston snowboarding! What a cutie. Do you go to a resort or do you have a great hill to practice on?