Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I give in...tag your it

So this is the second time I've been tagged this particular tag.  It must be a sign:)  So I decided to finally do it.  

10 Years ago....I was in my 3rd semester of BYU.  I was pretty sure I knew everything there was to know about life and was very cocky since I was dating a hottie.  Unfortunately that's when the Lord decides to teach those of us more prideful a lesson.  So all in one semester, I learned that the hottie I was dating was a complete loser.  My stellar grades of all A's dropped to the more southern end of the scale, and I found out my dad was dying of cancer.  All in all, not a year I choose to revisit very often.

Things on my today list...since its 8:30 and the boys were just put to bed:) not a whole heck of a lot to do.  But the dishes need to be done, read a book (any book), wait for Jared to get home from Young Mens, plan my day to tomorrow (I'm going to Twin Falls - the budding metropolis that has Costco), and enjoy some alone time.  Rough life, I know.

What I'd do if I was a billionaire...
  1. Thank God (All of you wish that had been top on your list:)
  2. Pay for my house and my families, including a huge cabin for all to play in
  3. Get a house boat for trips to lake Powell, with every water toy imaginable for Jared
  4. Fly my family all around the world to see what life is like outside our small sphere
  5. Pay off Jared's student loan that equals the amount of a really nice house, except that there's no house just a big loan
  6. Get my hair done more than once every 6 months
  7. Give to my church more than 10%
Bad Habits...
Leaving hair in the drain
Licking my fingers if they have syrup on them
Leaving the water on while I brush my teeth (it annoys Jared so much, he reaches over and turns it off)
Eating everything in sight the second I decide that I'm on a diet (like my body knows that I'm preparing to starve it)

Places I've lived...
  1. Washington
  2. Texas
  3. California
  4. Wyoming
  5. Russia
  6. Idaho

Jobs I've had...
  • Subway, for a day
  • Sizzler
  • Telemarketing, yes, I was the one calling you
  • Baskins Robbins when I was old and married and everyone else there was 16
  • Physical Therapy Asst
  • Apartment Manager
Things people don't know about me....
  • I got 2nd place in a Junior Miss Pageant (obviously, my Junior year)
  • I can turn my feet to face completely behind me while the rest of my body still faces forward (its weird)
  • I was Nephi's daughter in the Hill Cumorah Pageant 
  • I eat all the chocolate off of Reese's Peanut Butter cups and then eat the peanut butter inside.
  • I got a blessing once from Elder Richard G Scott


Lauralee said...

More info, please, on the blessing from Elder Scott and the Junior Miss pageant. WOW! Who knew?

And yeah, I do wish (with all my might) that I had thought of your number one what I would do if I were a billionaire question!

What are you craving from Costco? Maybe you'll see my mom there.

JeNeale said...

Forget Elder Scott, who was the hottie? (jk-wish I had a blessing from Elder Scott, although I did get my patriarchal blessing from now Elder Porter of the Seventy).

Alright, I should have done the same #1 on the billionaire question. You win.

Love reading these!

Katie said...

Ok, ready for this... totally random. This is Katie Pickett from Ricks College! It's been a long time! I saw you on Dougs blog. Your kids are sooo cute.. I especially love the picture of the little one in the pantry!
It is so fun to see your darling family! Glad you are all doing so good.

Beck Family said...

So I was just wondering if you finally got a remote for your tv.

The Dille Family said...

Yea! You finished the tag! It's fun to read. You forgot our wonderful days at Hewlett Packard when we worked for Manpower. (or did you mean to forget?:)) And by the way...a trip to Twin Falls and no phone call? You know I can always make a Costco trip! The month of April is wide open, so I plan on coming to visit for sure. I'll let you know when I make an appointment with Jared. Any trips planned this month?