Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life in the fast lane

I love my little Preston.  This is his Spring pre-school concert, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  You can tell every minute is absolutely agonizing for him.  He is so shy but he gets up there and sings (not loudly) but enough that we know, HE knows the words even if no one can hear him:)  He loves pre-school and he especially likes his teacher, Ms. Sharon.  Upon meeting her, she told us not to be afraid of her smokers voice, (which was well stated because we were afraid) because the kids love her...and they do.

The bishop owns an airplane that he uses to jump from Bear Lake and Hailey for his job.  I thought it was so nice when he asked Preston and another little boy in the ward, Bridger, if they wanted to go flying.  It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, we went to a baptism on Saturday where the Bishop was and an hour after he'd asked us, we were in the air.  Of course, I use the term, WE loosely, since Noah and I stayed grounded.  Partly because of seatbelts but 95% because I get sick going around a corner too fast let alone, riding in a small airplane.  Jared went with them and they had a BLAST.  


Kara said...

sammy123Brady loves mrs sharon to. But just so you know she has a smokers voice for a reason. I've seen her on several occasions having a smoke break:) Next time preston gets an oppurtunity to go flying make sure he invites his friend brady. Poor kid has never been on a plane. Oh wait neither have I:)

Norris Fam said...

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing as Kara...Miss Sharon does in fact smoke and frequently at that. Does Miss Sharon smoke? Does a bear poop in the woods?

Oh well, she had been a great teacher for my little Syd!

JeNeale said...

Love the pictures, and the plane ride looks like fun -- for the boys. I don't know if I'm brave enough to go on a small plane, and Brent gets really sick, so I think small planes are not in our future.

Jared and Maren said...

Correction made...Ms. Sharon does in fact smoke, I've just never seen her:)

Hokie Family said...

Hey Maren-
Preston's so cute. It is great to keep up on your family. Luke has also been asking to play with preston. We really enjoyed seeing you.
ps: Is my diaper bag at your house?

Sarah said...

Maren! Soooo cute! I totally missed yesterday getting on the computer (suppose I could have called), but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was grrreat!

Marisa said...

Ahhh, how fun for the boys!!!

We miss you and hope you're having fun in New Hampshire and New York...luckeeeee...