Thursday, March 20, 2008

Where did we move to?

Last night I woke up to the sound of a woman screaming...or what can clearly be confused for a woman screaming when its only 4:00 in the morning.  We have a sliding door that leads off our room going into the backyard.  It seriously sounded like someone was standing right outside of it, yelling these short wild high pitched screams.  Of course, I made Jared go see if we were about to be murdered in our beds, so he got out of bed real stealth-like and peeked out only to see we were not going to be the victims that night.  Some poor creature was being herded by two foxes until it was backed up right against our house.  And that my friends, is where it lost the fight.  It was the most terrible sound, I felt like I should go out and save it or something.   Jared's response was slightly more manly "ooooh, lets check tomorrow for the blood!"   All in all, it begs the question...."where the heck did we move to?"


Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

OH MY HECK!! That is insane! What was it? I think I would have run out there and tried to scare them off, but was it in the middle of being eaten. YUCK!

Jelina said... need to let us know what was being eaten by exciting!

JeNeale said...

Yep. Think it's time to move back to the sanity of the valley. Have Dr. N open an office here.

What was the fox food??

Nicole said...

Maren -- we get woken up by coyotes IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD every few months. The first time it happened Boone flew out of bed and down the hall like a bat out of you-know-where because he thought someone was murdering one of our kids! Freaky stuff! I think maybe weirder than that was the night I looked out and saw a huge armadillo in our front yard. Who knew armadillos were in Georgia?

Kristin and Jay said...

Agh! I am glad all this stuff happens to you =). I am safely tucked away around the corner and never hear or see anything!! So just like everyone else. Did you see the remains? I hope it wasn't somebodies cat =)

Jared and Maren said...

Apparently, they took their food with them...we still don't know what it was.

Just Us said...

I also hear that mountain lions make a sound similar to a woman screaming. So let that be a warning to you over there in the "Hills" (get it?) as tempting as it may seem, not to attempt to rescue whatever is out there screaming because my worst nightmare may be lingering around the corner.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I can just see brave Jared sneaking out to the family room to look. Didn't I have to do that for you last time,Jared? Moments to remember!

Lauralee said...

I'm sorry about the haircut experience, Mare. I tried several times to cut Topher's hair and I even convinced Jay to try once by saying encouraging things like, "You're an artist. You are so precise. This is right up your alley." Let's just say that we pay good money for trained professionals. The final go was exactly that because as I trimmed around Topher's ear I said "Whoops! and Topher said, "Ouch!!!!!!!!!!" and Ronan said, "That's a lot of blood!!!"

Kara said...

Definetly a mountain lion. I have heard it first hand and it sounds just like a woman screaming. Scared the crap out of me!

Beck Family said...

Just a note, when we first moved here I told all my friends that we had moved to the armpit of the earth, of course I don't feel that way so much anymore, but there are still times when I fell like you,where the heck and why in the heck do we still live here:)

YaYa Baby said...

Re: Priscilla Presley as a psychic...I was totally taken by the April Fool's Joke!!

Jason Taylor and miniature ships? Kristi Yamaguchi as a hot dog eating champion? Shannon Elizabeth and the McGuyver Fan Club? McRapper Guttenburg?

oooooooooooooooooh, it all makes sense now...I wasn't sure until Cash made me google it...Thank goodness for Google!