Noah has gotten to the wonderful habit of using just one word to where most of us would use an entire sentence. Like "Pete" and "Repeat," Jared and I copy his one word and translate it into the appropriate sentence. Its a gift really...others look at us and wonder how we are so adept at this highly skilled translation process but I digress, there is a story with this.....
About a month ago my mom visited us and when the kids wrestled through her suitcase, they were delighted that she had come baring gifts. 10 frogs for Noah and 10 snakes for Preston. So for the last 4 weeks I have been stepping on them, finding them in the toilet, in their beds, in MY bed and so on.
Well, about a week ago Noah was toting around one of Preston's snakes. We'd just gotten out of the car, when Noah calmly said "Snake." This is where my highly trained skills in translation plummeted. I thought he meant he had dropped his snake, so like any good mother I bent down to pick it up. To say I was surprised, would be lying, I full-on screamed like a third grader when it struck out and tried to bite me. In case you are confused, Noah was still holding his little rubber snake and I was trying to hold the real one. So here is our newest addition of wildlife we find in our yard. Mountian lions, wolves, foxes, deer, raccoons, and now snakes. Welcome to Sun Valley
Isn't he cute as he tries to climb up our garage?
Only one word: YUCK! I hate, hate, hate snakes, especially after finding one dead in my bed when I was sixteen, courtesy of the missionaries. I will not be venturing outdoors at your house anymore!
And for TWO...My little brother had a pet Columbian Boa. It was 10 feet long and roamed the house like a puppy. It never bothered me. I actually like Shequille. Snake have never really gotten to me I could pick them up when hiking and play with them for a while. I liked them actually, BUT
I do have to say that yours kinda freaked me out! I would have screamed too! OH and I would have LOVED to have heard you scream and seen your reaction!
I will spend the rest of the night giggling about that one! THANKS!
You are better than me I would have screamed at the top of my lungs and then ran leaving my children with the snake=)
K I wouldn't even run over the snake in my driveway with my car and you tried to pick it up =)!! Could you imagine if it actually let you pick it up and it started moving around while in your hand?!! Ugh! I now have the heeby jeebies!
Maren! You posted something new. I know you have a crazy life right now but as much as I love to see the temple too, I was wanting to see something new and different on my cute friends blog.
I can't believe you almost picked up a real snake. I wish I could of heard or seen you scream. It would of fed my love for seeing people get scared.
Ew! It is creepy to find anything alive that you thought was fake, let alone a snake! I got your message the other day. Thanks for calling. I will call is little hectic these days :). I would love to chat though. Hopefully tomorrow! Love ya, Becca
your gonna need to post at least twice before I can even look at this page again!! I think I would die on the spot if that'd happened to me, you may have just reduced your number of potention visitors by!!!
Soooo cute! Over the ten summers I've lived out our canyon, I've killed 5 rattlers. You know how? My weapon of choice is . . . the car! Does the real snake look anything like the boys snakes?
I, for one, am just glad you had the presence of mind to grab your camera and shoot a picture. It does the story justice. Just thinking about it doesn't come close to the real thing, in color. And I love the reference to understanding your kid's language. Don't you feel like sometimes you have the gift of tongues? Maybe this is a blessing of parenthood.
.....well, I bet you can't wait to see what's in my suitcase the next time I visit!!! (He He) Mom
You're kind of a sissy, Maren.
Ha. Not really. We found a couple in our house in Boise. Lauralee was not impressed.
Amy, I want a 10 Ft. long Columbian Boa. Maybe it would take care of the stray cats that roam the woods around our house and leave sandy footprints all over my truck.
AHHHHH! I think I would had a heart attack!
Mare, I love your definition of "currently." Um, I think the Olympics were in the summer... ;)
Can't wait to see you guys -- can you make sure we don't get snowed in...or out?!? Thanks!
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