Monday, August 24, 2009

What was I thinking?

Click to visit the Bear Lake Brawl Triathlon Site
I'm an idiot or maybe psychotic..a mixture of both, I don't know, but I somehow let my retarded friends (Betsy, Russell and Jelina) convince me that I need to do a triathlon. So here goes nothing. Jared complains that he can't sleep very well the night before he does one, well, I have 3 weeks before mine and I've already started waking up in the middle of the night paralyzed with fear. And they tell me it will be fun, that my adrenaline will kick in and save me from the BUTT KICKING I'm going to recieve. I'm having a hard time believing that at this particular time. BUT I'm doing it and blogging about it so I can't go back on my word. So all 6 people who read my blog can now hold me to my word.


Nicole said...

I'm with you on the freaking out about a triathlon thing. I can run all day long, but the swim part terrifies me.

You're welcome for the encouraging words:)

MyR said...

You are AMAZING!!! Good luck! :D

Amanda said...

After the practice swim in Alturas Lake I have full confidence in you:) I'm smarter than you and didn't let evil woman Jelina talk ME into it!

Jelina said...

"Evil woman?!" Whatever...I need to clarify something was Maren who first convinced me to do it! Last year! It has taken me that long to take it seriously. So, glad, though, you decided to still do it so I have someone to train with and help motivate me! Thanks!

Just Us said...

Good luck Maren, I mean wonder woman.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Honestly, I have thought about you and this triathalon since Sunday. You have definately impressed the socks off me! I remember vividly the conversation we had at Smokey's when you brought it up. I was in! TOTALLY IN! But I gave up on myself!

Last night I was telling Ryan about all these feelings I am having. "Maren said she doesn't care if she gets pregnant she is going to have the baby and train and do it. She gets pregnant, has the baby and IS doing it....for REAL!"

Something has changed within me (Ooo, are you singing Wicked now too! Ah, Defying Gravity!) Anyway, I am in Maren! I am doing this with you next year! No question!

Just want you to know that I am supporting you 100%! You are my inspiration! You are amazing!

Kara said...

Way to go Maren, Us non swimmers are so behind you! Behind you on the shore of course.

Lisa-Marie said...

Maren, I just did a triathlon a few weeks ago and it ROCKED! You are going to LOVE it. My girlfriend and I were planning on doing the Bear Lake Brawl but the cabin we were going to stay in fell through. It would have been so fun to see you there. Next year for sure.

Your baby is darling. Congrats to you and Jared.

Betsy said...

If I'm retarded does that mean I get to hold on to the kayakers while I swim--I hope so. Maren, I'm proud of you and so excited to do it with you.