Wednesday, February 6, 2008

You're kidding RIGHT???

  So yesterday, the doorbell rang (a novelty) and it happened to be our neighbor who lives above our garage.  That is a story all in itself but anyway,  he's holding a phone to his ear, tells me its his sister and that she has commanded him to come and warn us of impending danger.  He proceeds to tell me that right up our mountain (a mere 200 yards from our house) is a mountain lion eating a deer for lunch.  Not only that but he tells me that there are four wolves waiting to get their chance at the left overs.   Preston is standing by me during all this and proceeds to ask if he can go play outside...yeah, so, he hasn't played outside for 2 days now.  And may never for that matter.  Later, I'm thinking about it and I'm sure our neighbor must have been confused and his boss, too, since he saw them and the wolves are really coyotes.  Anyway, so I'm relaying my significant news to a friend and she says, " no, there really are wolves up there!"  I feel so comforted.  Actually, I'm not really sure what to make of all this, do I whack sticks together every time I leave my house or what.  A mountain lion..for reals?  Where did we move to?


Jeb and Becca said...

I have knots in my stomach just reading about that. Don't people realize that info. like that for people like us just causes major anxiety? I hate that feeling! It is better to be oblivious :).

I'm sorry you had to hear that and now worry. Have people been reassuring you that they will never come down to your house? I always need reassurances like that! Good luck and I feel your stress :). Love, Becca

Kristin and Jay said...

Okay Maren, I had to hear this from Jeni. Not you or Carrie. So how come no one thought the person living closer to the man eating animal should know this? =)

Kristin and Jay said...

Oh and one more thing, in the summer we get to worry about rattle snakes. Yep no joke. When we were building last year one of our neighbors killed 2 huge ones in his yard. They like the cool grass, and when we were digging we saw at least 5 HUGE bull snakes. They look like rattlers but aren't venomous. But I bet their bite still stings. Yeah, a lot to look forward too =) Oh by the way, I found your blog on Amy's, just in case you were wondering why I was stalking you =)

JeNeale said...

Hey Mare--you know that life insurance thing Russell was talking about? That may be a good idea since the two of you may go down together fighting the local menagerie. At least the boys would be taken care of. . .Wow. Did I say I was coming in two weeks? Maybe I'll rethink . . .

Marisa said...

Wolves and coyotes are the same thing...

Cash, the Zoologist

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

For the record. There are wolves around here. Don't let Dan Norris fool you....he doesn't know EVERYTHING! :) HA!

Um.....Just waiting for another post! Get on it will ya? :)

Lara said...

Maren, they killed a mountain lion in my neigborhood (in Boise) back when we were in highschool. Turns out he had built a den in the fields behind our pasture . . . definitely creepy!